Quality Control unit
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Quality Control unit
Microorganism Test
science cosmetics
Microorganism Test
1. The purpose of microorganism test
Microorganism test continuously monitors contamination due to microorganisms by products manufactured and produced.
We are taking utmost care in strict sanitary control starting from raw ingredients phase, manufacturing processes, and during the use in the customers' hands.
2. Testing method
Portion of manufactured products and ingredients are taken and spread on nutrient agar where most microorganisms can grow, and then the presence of microorganisms are confirmed.
Also, selective badge that suppress the growth of E.Coli, P. aeruginosa, or S. aureus and other bacteria other than the ones in interest,
we constantly assess the type and level of contamination detected in the products.
3. Testing process

Medicostech Co., Ltd.
경북 경산시 하양읍 부효리 362 경일대학교 산학협력관 803호 고객서비스센터 053-857-1250
Quality Management System Certificate KS Q ISO 9001:2009 / ISO 9001:2008
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