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Home Business Unit&Product Information Quality Control unit Patch Test

1. The Purpose of the Patch Test

Patch test is a simple preliminary test to check that the ingredients or the product does not cause dermatitis during use.

2. Testing Methods

· Conduct a patch test on a person's arm or back.
·Conduct the patch test using the plaster common sold in markets made for path tests in closed setting.
·Highly volatile compounds will be tested in open setting.
·Application will last 24 hours, and the response shall be evaluated by naked eye.

3. Testing Process

Primary Irritant Test
·Testing purpose
This test is executed to check the safety of the product on the body.
Sensitivity and irritability of the product on the skin is evaluated.
·Testing Method
· Primary irritant test · After absorbing 50μl of sample in Haye's test chambers( Koms company, Netherlands). · place the patch in the medial side of the brachialis muscle for 24 hours. After removing the patch, observe for 3 hours. · Check for erythema (skin response to contact irritants).

Primary Irritant Test Evaluation Criteria

Symptoms Symbols Score
No change - 0
Mild erythema ± 0.5
Clear erythema or small papule + 1
Erythema and swelling or erythema and papule ++ 2
Erythema, swellings, and small blister +++ 3
Blister, erosion ++++ 4

ICDRG Evaluation Criteria(ICDRG: International Contact Dermatitis Research Group)

Symbols Score Criteria Notes
- 0 Negative reaction: No irritation -
± 0.5 Doubtful or reaction: mild irritation Weak or barely detectable erythema
+ 1 Weak(non-vesicular)Positive reaction: light irritation Boundaries are clear but mild erythema, edema and papule
++ 2 Strong(vesicular)positive reaction: moderate irritation Clear erythema, papule and small blister
+++ 3 Extreme positive reaction: severe irritation Severe erythema, large blister, formation of eschar
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